Monday 24 November 2014

Birds said" Adieu our friend"

Birds said, "Adieu our friend"
He waved at them and said
"I will come back tomorrow"

Shot from Kovalam.
SS:1/800, f/4.5, ISO ;250, FL : 40 MM, NIKOR 18-105 

Thursday 20 November 2014

Songs Reloaded...

As children of working parents, my sister Kanni and me were kinda left to ourselves after we reach home from school. Our favorite pastime was to enact roles out of the Marvel comics and since Phantom almost always had to jump off Hero the horse, I end up sprawling across attempting those from my cycle. Many such bruises and scratches later, I found it to be not wise at all.
It was then I gave her the idea of starting a News Letter, called Home Herald. We kept it running for sometime till my hand writing was quite readable and if someone asked, at least I could comprehend what I had scribbled over. She dutifully used to cut the clippings and paste them in order so it somehow resembled a pale cousin of some magazine we had by then seen.
I was by then enjoying a cult status at school for singing one song for three annual days and as many Children,s days so to save them further trouble, in one year some few teachers made me don the role of Madhavan, a writer in a school play.
The only writer I knew of was my Valyachan, (Paternal Uncle) Dr.S.Velayudhan ( who is now a star in some stellar constellations) and the first thing I picked from him was the Pipe and his English  ( ash bush, as its known then). I remember coming out of the play to the roaring , earth splitting laughter of parents and teachers alike with only the kids looking at me in awe for the pipe and ash bush..
I don’t know, whether that play has any bearings on me but one day I told my sister in all seriousness an eight year old could muster " you know Tich, one day you will get my book, all printed in glossy paper". She was gung-ho about it. Day before yesterday while I called her to say this, she reminded me this and could feel her crying too. How time flies and with some luck and a huge motherly push and prod from a mother ( Mrs Geetha Panikker) I found from here, it actually happened too!
I guess God listens intently when innocence speaks and promises made with unadulterated purity and somehow pull in the resources to make it happen.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Songs Of A Solitary Tree...

Finally it has come.
Partridge, a Penguin Random House Company has published 60 of my poems or rather scribblings.
The eEditions, Kindle Edition is now available in Amazon and print editions are now available at online portals like Flipkart and all.
Hopefully, the Print Editions of the same will be available at Book stores from Nov 14th onwards.
Seeking the same amount of support and blessings and objective feedback from all of you here.
Love you all... :)

Sunday 9 November 2014