Monday 29 December 2014

Sunday 21 December 2014

Only The Pure Holds Light In The Midst Of Darkness

Title courtesy : Vinod Laxman

SS: 1/1250, f/6.3, ISO : 160, FL : 105, NIKOR 18-105 MM.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Diary Of A Dervish

Dairy Of A Dervish


Dear Diary,
It was fun the whole evening
Though towards the end, I puked
As my head was reeling bad.
So much I swirled to get that twirl right
The way it was shown at school today.
Nana said, I look funny in Tennure,*
Ammi cut and sewn out of Abba's white tunic.
But Abba told, I look fine when he 
Made his cap, to a Sikke** and gave.


Dear Diary,
Aman was giggling when he saw my sikke, for
His uncle had given him one in Camel's hair
He brought from Lebanon.
Shaheedji, our master told us of 
Darwish Mahmoud*** and it was one of his best
That master had picked to set it to a chant
It was pristine and made us a bit sad too
But once we started, we were lost in it.
Remember seeing Shaheedji smiling and 
Aman's face had an ethereal glow.
Guess, he had tears in his eyes.
"Oh Father, my brother neither love nor
Want me in their midst" and I saw
Aman falling, swirling round and
Round and round, squirting
Bobs of reds all across..
Others too, Sama, Khalid, Masterji, Ruhan, Ishmeil.
My knees, suddenly gave away and 
I too fell, like a Tennure falling in heaps.
I couldnt feel anything anymore,
But I know I can dance no more.


132 and still to go
" Oh Father, my brother neither love nor
Want me in their midst"****

*Tennure : The wide white skirt, a Dervish wear, a symbol of Ego's shroud
** Sikke : A Camel's hair hat, represents tombstone of the ego.
***Darwish Mahmoud, a Palestinian poet, ( 13 March 1941- 9 Aug 2008) was regarded as the National Poet of Palestine.
**** lines are from Darwish Mahmoud's " I am Yousuf, Oh my Father.

Sunday 14 December 2014


It is winter now.
A sea of flaking whites with
Few Mahonias and Jacquelines blooming bright
Just the way you'd loved them.
Of flowers, now
I'd rather you be the wreath on my bosom
Than a lonely rose on the lapel.
The last time we walked down these aisle,
You were there,
A flower snipped off;
But a solemn smile still
In the middle of roses white.
Now, on the day of this last stride
Down the same aisle
I came not since then,
Let us go with you on my tide.
I'd stare; through the drone of sermons
Hard at the stars
Till they blink and implode.
Then,we'd go
Gladly down the haven of that named burrow

Monday 8 December 2014

From A Readers Desk..

There is only one instance of a greater joy known to those who wield the pen than getting to know, what one scribbled has been able to reach out and connect and it is when, the reader gives the feedback how it touched some chords. It is infact a humbling experience to know that someone had actually given you their most valuable asset; their time to go through and think through. Thanks a lot AshaMam for these lovely and kind words. With permission, I am posting this here.. 
Hey Arun !
Atlast got to read your collection of poems "Songs of a Solitary tree ''
Thanks to Geethachehi, I had already read some of your writings and seen some of the pictures clicked by you earlier so when she mentioned about this book I was eager to read it .She had asked me to write a review but I think to write a review you have to not just read it but reread it a number of times. Like someone said it's like peeling an onion. Everytime you read a poem you understand more of it . Every plunge takes you deeper and gives you a new perception and understanding..
'Ah Mumbai .. ' got my attention instantly . Mumbai can't be better explained like you have in your poem. A place that gives more than it takes . And if you have lived there and survived you can live in any part of the world and succeed.Reading your poem aroused the yearning in me too, to revisit Mumbai
I could relate to the mom mentioned in 'Ah, Those Roots'. I have preserved my sons' lock of hair after their first hair cut , the first tooth , the stump of the umbilical cord when it fell off and the books they first read still have a space on my bookshelves
"It's her way of saying
that we are with her always "
How did you read my thoughts, I wondered, as I read it.
'She says, our entire growing phase is there
Right in front of her, like it has happened just yesterday'
How true !
But it is the beginning of the poem that I loved
"Every homecoming is a nomad's offerings for forgiveness, A silent prayer "
I guess the children who are now out in the big world seeking their goals and too busy to look back do return home some day to seek the roots they may have neglected and then these little memories that have been put away replenish the love and affection that was lost in the past.
'Lonely reed swaying' well describes the plight of a lonely soul on a bad day in a state of confusion when it's difficult to make a choice and that's the time one seeks the support of someone 'to lift you up ''
'Yep they are in love '... It is so obvious when a couple is in love. Beautifully compared to the 'Birds in the sky chasing each other in a merry dog fight 'and to the waves that seek the shore again and again '
'Post card from a home far away' brought three generations in a frame. Neatly portrays the care and concern of a parent along with a gentle warning.
'War against killing the girl child' .. In just five lines you made me visualise the scene of an innocent beautiful unborn girl deprived of it's right to be born . A message well conveyed
'Blue linen shirt '.. I thoroughly enjoy all those Blue Imperial ads but never thought it would inspire a creative muse to bring out something so innovative. The subtle humour couldn't be missed 
The pain in 'Where were you ?', Loneliness in 'Searing solitude',
Helplessness in 'I call him Dad ', Innocence in 'Oh,those sweet monsters ... projects the feelings of the poet and brings out the right emotion in the reader.
Just picked a few to comment on . Will add to this later . The formal shorter 'review' for fb will take a while to come till then let me dunk myself in your 'Songs' a little longer.
I have passed on some of the snippets to a few others who I think would be interested to read. Waiting to hear from them .
Do keep writing . Hope to see many more of your poems published .in the future. My best wishes .
Affectionate Regards
Asha Menon