Wednesday 26 February 2014

Island; Seeker And Solace

Simple strips,
Some woods and shrubs.
Deserted or inhabited,
Explored or not.
They have a certain character,
A saintly serenity.
it is there like a sage, ever waiting
To embrace those lost sailors 
Coming washed ashore.
An isle of hope
A solace to swim to at deluge

Imagine a solitary tree in an arid stretch
Upon which the birds flock in and 
Gleefully chirp their long
Tales of woes away.
Just as much as the birds yearn
For a wood in a long flight
A Tree too longs for such a pleasant
Breach in its solitary penance. 
It is a seeker as well a solace
Just as everyone
Is an island
In their own right.

Arun M Sivakrishna 

Monday 24 February 2014

Faded Out Frames.

I Heard, come what may
We would revisit those spaces,
Once cherished and left midway
For, the memories, they pull.

Those incomplete sweet nothings 
Crooned together with a certain heart
Which we wanted to make our own,
And the words that trailed off with a lump in throat
When the same slowly and painstakingly
Faded out of the frames,
Yet, lingers somewhere deep down
In half closed morsels.

Dont we long to complete those half seen
Dreams again?!
To mend a heart that's broken in shreds?
Dont you dream to reignite a 
Spark that failed to flame?
I do..

Arun M Sivakrishna

Manya, Majestic in Monochrome..

Manya, the Majestic, White Tigress of Mysore Zoo..

Sunday 23 February 2014

When the sky spews searing clouds...

Shot from NH 4 at Satara. We were driving back from Shirdi..:)

Searing Solitude..

Solitude is not when you are
Left alone, 
Either by choice or by chance.

When your heart is heavy with
Misery that cant be shared
Yes, You are lonely.

When you have a 
Soul that is bleeding, yet
You put on brave smiles
You are Lonely.

When your heart wanders listlessly
Even when it needs to be deft
You are lonely.

And when you know,
You have to weather it all alone
You sure are lonely.

Arun M Sivakrishna

Friday 21 February 2014

Like Tiny Wild Flowers, Hope Blooms Up Even The Darkest Of Corners..:)

Marooned Island Amidst An Ocean Of Rabbles

Times are fast flowing
Taking away that
Precious bit of prudence
We held so close to sooth
A strung up nerve
From letting loose.

Today, imagine
Getting caught
At the cross wire of a
Boy of ten frail years
Asking for DNA proof
To quell a nagging bug
He sure is not an adopted menace
Unwillingly brought in like
A stray cat on a rainy day

Time, for sure
Is changing fast
Ebbing away that
Faint scent of milk
Off a dried out bust.
Islands drift,
Crying inside
A dying strain of a
Lullaby somewhere..

Arun M Sivakrishna

Manav Seva is Madhav Seva..

Shot from Community Kitchen, Mangaladevi Temple, Mangalore. On a busy Vidyarambha day, while all around them were engrossed in various forms of festivities, these two were seen toiling to get the food ready for the devotees. 

Monday 17 February 2014

Ah,Those Roots

Every home coming is a nomad's offerings for forgiveness,
A silent prayer,
An apology for neglecting the roots, those have borne him.
Two lovely yet lonely souls, leaning on each other
Still, on their own worlds,
Slowly move around and do chores which may 
Soothe the wanderer and make him stay awhile.
While one dusts up those books he himself has paid for
The other rakes up the old CDs 
She once despised for the violent and jarring crescendos.
Little does she know
That he has come a full circle and now has no ears for them
And grown weary of those li'l feel good titles,
Papa used to bring home.
Here everything stays still.
The lady in the house fondly referred to as ant
Still keeps the dog eared jottings sent by her dearies
Its her way of saying
That we are with her always.
She says, our entire growing phase is there
Right in front of her,  like it has happened just yesterday.
The last time she was home, my sister
Fished out a handbook, mom still keeps and 
Was smiling through tears
While telling me of some notes she had stumbled on.
Looking back, now I wonder,
Must be on her wedding eve that
We have last cried together like that

And yet felt so happy!

Sunday 16 February 2014

Mostly, its just a thin veil that separates man from God..

Shot from Namdroling Monastery aka Golden Temple, Kusalnagar, Karnataka.

Post Card From A Home Far Away..

I think this may annoy you a bit
Though its not meant that way
Why is it like that these days
We need to clarify every time
Lest it breeds silence over and again?
Its funny don’t you see
Despite giving my all, its still smirks I get back.
Yet I love you with all that is left in me.

You never realize, I gave up my jaw
To that creeping crab, for you to enjoy the
Smoke rings sent up like the cupid clouds
Thats shown in the cartoons your son gleefully watches..

I paid with part of my liver
So that yours stay fine enough
To last those scary binging sprees
Your mother always cries about...

Its kind of a strange trade in, you know?
Been paying for something
That I have never even tried yet.

Guess, you are doing fine.
I heard you drive like a maniac
Remember, please be careful.
Our time may soon be up
Till then we would remain
Like hollow hulls of an once green elm..

Thursday 13 February 2014

I Have A dwelling Here..

I have a dwelling here, at the crown of the hill
A swell of green,  swirls around like that of the sea..

( Translated from Veedu by ONV) 

Wholesome Holes..

Souls leave no shadows
And no more shades either
For, they remain in those
Moth eaten sepias as relics of
Those we have loved once
And killed many times over

Souls leave holes only
Wholesome holes ; says some in mock jest,
In wry smiles and ever dried up pearls.
Abandoned shadows on wanderlust
Ever on an unrelenting search for shells to nestle in
Knowing little that nothing indeed fits in.

Arun M Sivakrishna

Birds With Wings Clipped..

A Clock ticking on over time
Was the first reminder
To pack the bags again.
That indiscreet hoot of the cab
Made it even worser.
Time to be on the roads again,
Leaving two frail souls to fend for themselves
Taking only tiny fragments of memories.
Stricken kittens in closed rooms,
Each thoughts, wreak havoc in an
Already strung up guilt-ridden heart..
Memories, indeed strange they are
The events they tug on too
Are of no help either.
Like the birds with clipped wings,
They too dont fly away,
But limp around,
Only to come back to
Rip the heart again.

Arun M Sivakrishna

Wednesday 12 February 2014

It Happens Just Like That....

It so happens,
Once in a while,
We just trip and fall and
What we see on the way down
Would be the most gruesome of
Visuals, zooming in reel after reel
Cocooning us in a montage
We detest taking part ourselves,
Yet, thrust on to us
In all lucid details dished
Out by an unflinching hand
In all its gyroscopic constancy
All the while sinking us in ripping
Wails of all those fallen before us
Echoing  up from the nadirs like
Fumes of smouldering
Carcasses about to sail
Down the dirty stream
Of a holy river,
To make unto you too
To howl like maniacs
Together having nightmares
Of wanton dogs chasing them.
Once in a while,
It happens,
Just like that.

Arun M Sivakrishna