Sunday 16 February 2014

Post Card From A Home Far Away..

I think this may annoy you a bit
Though its not meant that way
Why is it like that these days
We need to clarify every time
Lest it breeds silence over and again?
Its funny don’t you see
Despite giving my all, its still smirks I get back.
Yet I love you with all that is left in me.

You never realize, I gave up my jaw
To that creeping crab, for you to enjoy the
Smoke rings sent up like the cupid clouds
Thats shown in the cartoons your son gleefully watches..

I paid with part of my liver
So that yours stay fine enough
To last those scary binging sprees
Your mother always cries about...

Its kind of a strange trade in, you know?
Been paying for something
That I have never even tried yet.

Guess, you are doing fine.
I heard you drive like a maniac
Remember, please be careful.
Our time may soon be up
Till then we would remain
Like hollow hulls of an once green elm..

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