Wednesday 30 April 2014

How It Reminds You Off..

What started off as a tiny baby's sprinkle,
Grew in swell and took the garb of a storm.
Those of us, sans the protective canopy of an umbrella
Got it in full, soaked and dripping all around.

Been thinking, rain has different forms
Sometimes, it is like a daughter,
Dances around in those li'l trinkets jill jill jill
Urging you too to shake a leg or two.

Its a son, when light still shines through and 
The gentle breeze moist your face
Which makes you beam thinking of the
First, boys day out you had with him.

It takes parental proportions or
Even that of a spouse, when it 
Really swells up and pours all over.

A soothsayer, a companion
Able ally of those who muse,and 
A wagon on over drive to the depths of 
Despair, to the broken and forlorn.

I love when it rains
In whatever form 
It comes by..

Monday 28 April 2014

Summer Moonshine..:)

*Summer Moonshine is a comic novel by P G Wodehouse.
SS: 1/250,f/5.9, ISO 100, FL.21.5 , Canon IXY Digital 930 IS

Saturday 26 April 2014

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Grandma's Kitchen

Yet another place where a lot of memories still linger on and something that would soon be a thing of an era long gone. 
Shot from a dear friend's farm house.

ss: 1/13, f/4.5, ISO : 320, FL : 35 MM, NIKOR 18-105 MM

Monday 21 April 2014

As I Move Off


In the anthills of silence
Its just not the words my love
Thats lost to us
But the rhythm of our hearts too.
When the soul yearns for rain
While you go darker still like an overcast sky
I leave, ignoring those riled up eyes and choked up words


You must still be pouring now
Your repose, one akin to hardened dew
May, now be gone disheveled and shaken
Like a piece of rag in deluge
Ah, let the rains be over
Like a pearl of dew still not dropped off the leaf
May your eyes be never dry and be filled 
Ah, misty these memories ever,

Post Scriptum or Return Ticket

Pelted and benumbed
Drained and pale
Shorn off the shadow even
Me, a faceless image
May have gone off your senses.
Yet, beloved,
One day,
That door I half closed and stepped out,
I will open gently and come to you.
Till then,
Like a teary memory,
In quivering lips and 
Throbbing bosom
Bid me adieu
My dear

Thursday 17 April 2014

Ah, Its A Moms Way

Unrequited love is a heartache
Was what an eight year old had 
Taken home and told his mom
While quizzed about the movie
He had gone along with his elder cousins

Being the best friend she was and 
Always been, clasped him in a 
Tight embrace, ruffled his hair and 
Gave a sweet peck on his cheek

Thirty years from then is almost half a lifetime and 
Many unrequited and few reciprocated
Relations later, that eight year old
Today has an eight year old son

Despite all those years
I could still remember that day and 
Feel in all its sweetness, what
Mom has imprinted on that day.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Let No Man Cast His Evil Eye..

Seen at Neermarga. It says of the inclusive thought process. Whoever had done it, indeed had done it thoughtfully.

SS:1/160, f/4.5, ISO : 400, FL: 40 MM NIKOR 18 -105 MM

Monday 14 April 2014

Pious way forward..

Each moment ahead is a new lease of life. Think good and be remembered for good.

Shot from Namdroling Monastery, Bylakuppe.
SS; 1/80, f/5.6, ISO 320 FL: 105 MM, NIKOR 18-105 

Friday 11 April 2014

A Night In Goa, One To Reflect Upon..

Seen this on the way back from Arpora Saturday Night Market, closer to the bridge towards Bagha.

SS: 1/10, f/3.5, ISO :3200, FL: 18MM , NIKOR 18-105 

Thursday 10 April 2014

Nameless Dot On A Perilous Quest

Will it rain tonight?
And clean the gaping blisters?
Wash away the dirt and slimy froths?
Soften the scales and scabies?
And will it make me pure again?

Ah, let it rain tonight.

Bro said, with icy looks,
“Damn you, It’s a pleasant place,
Off with your scaly scabies.
It’s to show the regal splendour
Outtasite with your anal blisters”.

I wonder, and am scared too
Will he, 
One day
Put me too
Under that regal rug he still keeps,
That used to sheath all our esoteric secrets?
Will he, 
Then whack me to shreds
And feed the bits to the ravens at his call?

Mercy, I plead.
Yes, It’s raining you see.
I am right there where you left me
Soaked to the bones, like a frozen toad.
The pool trickles around is a 
Scape of morbid hues
Coming off sins heinous 
I never even knew.

Close by, fallen buds on a tiny barrow
Whisper the tales of yesterdays
On their voyage, to the worlds unknown.

And my wait is still on,
To get, anointed again.
Nobody came yet.
None may.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

A Jump And A Drift

Thats K P Aravind jumping over a Rahul Kanthraj driven Cedia

SS: 1/500 ,f/11,ISO : 250, FL : 18 MM, NIKOR 18-105

Sunday 6 April 2014

Reds All Around

It was red all around
But unlike, the grumpy gals
During their cycles
This one was just beaming.
Like a young gal in love
Giggling all the way
Oblivious to the glances of 
Suitors who had lost out

I found a stone
Right at the base
An open invite
For a moment to steal by

Looked to me, strewn there
In shades of reds,
Them, the smiles all around
For she is cheerful forever and more

A picture that etches
Its own moment in time
It was red all around
Yes, reds, all around.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Padmakosha Mudra..:)

Stumbled across at Nisargadhama and surprised at the resemblance to the Mudras in Bhartnatyam..
Padmakosha Mudra, is used to denote many things like flowers, Bell and Bosoms..:)

ss:1/125, f/6.3, ISO: 400, FL :105 MM, NIKOR 18-105 

Peek A Boo

SS: 1/800 , f/8.0, ISO : 800, FL :105 MM, NIKOR 18-105 

Thursday 3 April 2014

Shaken Skies

It was a grizzly sky indeed
So dull and drab
The Kind , that reminds you of a
Middle aged mistress, deeply in despair
Puffing up a ballooned pout.

Who is casting ash over
Our azureous canopy?
From where does this dark fleece
Suddenly looms over the 
cerulean spread of our
Feigned serenity and repose?

No tiny limbs
No more lil birds
Nowhere a lil star even
Such troubled and crumbled this sky of mine now

Ah ashes,
The relics of severance. 
Swaying images of a 
Rootless, grievous tree
Keeps flashing while the 
Sense numbing brew,
Burns through the blue veins

Could you gather, how shaken is
This sky of mine?