Monday 21 April 2014

As I Move Off


In the anthills of silence
Its just not the words my love
Thats lost to us
But the rhythm of our hearts too.
When the soul yearns for rain
While you go darker still like an overcast sky
I leave, ignoring those riled up eyes and choked up words


You must still be pouring now
Your repose, one akin to hardened dew
May, now be gone disheveled and shaken
Like a piece of rag in deluge
Ah, let the rains be over
Like a pearl of dew still not dropped off the leaf
May your eyes be never dry and be filled 
Ah, misty these memories ever,

Post Scriptum or Return Ticket

Pelted and benumbed
Drained and pale
Shorn off the shadow even
Me, a faceless image
May have gone off your senses.
Yet, beloved,
One day,
That door I half closed and stepped out,
I will open gently and come to you.
Till then,
Like a teary memory,
In quivering lips and 
Throbbing bosom
Bid me adieu
My dear


  1. This poem leaves you with a throbbing heart that tugs and pulls at the severity of emotions, portrayed with a gifted style and skill of writing, Arun.
