Monday 16 June 2014

Faith, Standing Tall...

The last time, we'd been, this structure was almost submerged, with just the edifice of the belfry, above the waterline, evoking thoughts of someone, struggling to stand on toes to keep the neck above from drowning. 
Rosary Church, popularly known as Shettihalli Church ( after the village), is about 17 kms from Haassan district in the state of karnataka. 

Built in 1860 by French Missionaries, for the colonial estate owners of Sakleshpur, this Gothic structure is an absolute beauty. Believed to be made of the mixture of limestones, jaggery and egg whites and laterite stones, this must have been a buzzing place during the colonial time.
It is heard, this place was the hub of the village where mostly farm hands of the colonial masters had their dwellings. 
In 1960, to provide water to hassan, Mysore and mandya, a dam was built across River Hemavathy and the entire population of this hamlet got rehabilitated to other parts of the district. since then, for most part of the year, this structure is submerged in water, yet stand tall when water recedes and dries up during the summers. When she had seen the photo of this marvelous abode of peace, my friend, lets call her SRD-J, had this to say.

" Sometimes, it takes being drowned to realize the value of air.
If I never knew hardship, how would I remember the good times?
Like the rain, masquerading as a dark and ominous cloud, so, pain teases and tests me.
I have faith..I will have faith..
Though submerged, holding my breath
Hiding in plain sight,waiting for sun to vaporize my shackles..                  My anchor holds                              I will breath again.."

Though fifty years of amphibian existence had taken its toll, it is still a testimony to the good old engineering expertise.

The roof had gone entirely, so too the windows and stained glass windows. Yet, amidst all these ruins, this structure still  stands tall. 
Fishing is kind of a summer getaway as well a revenue source for the enterprising locals here.

 Though, it has started raining in the coastal belt, it wasnt so at Hassan. Sun was playing, hide and seek, throwing up hues of different rays. Against the light, this lonely, ruin of an abode of God, emanates rays of peace and tranquility. 

Be it amidst the greens,
Or under water,
Amongst the faithfuls,
Or devoid of flocks,
In prime or peril,
Be assured, that
I will remain.
A spirit refused to bend
Where, time stand still and 
I will stand tall..

As an after thought and as for a visual comparison, adding this photo taken on 4th Oct, 2013 when River Hemavathy was almost at its best.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Wednesday 4 June 2014

And, As They Say, Rest Is History..

All of them
Were hiking really well
Justifying, Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

I was just huffing and puffing 
Stopping in the middle, at times on all fours too
Ignoring the rib tickling laughs 
Aimed at my way up.

It wasnt easy, coming after a ligament rapture and 
The protective cap was making it 
All the more difficult.

I leaned against a  big root
Winding all the way down in to the depths
Searching for secrets of its own existence.

"Water". it was more a suggestion 
Than a question.
I could muster a sheepish smile only 
Between the gasps for air.

She sat down, on a rock thats jetting out to me, 
Much to the collective chagrin and 
Stares and glares at my side

"Its ok, you are new to this line of 
Stretching the limits, lets make sure
You get into rhythm soon" 
And Smiled.

Sun was shining through her hair
Sparkling up the sailing strands.
Gosh, it was then, that I realized
We would go a long way TOGETHER..

Tuesday 3 June 2014

A faceless Shepherd, his mother and their herd..

Shot on the way back from Shimoga, on a rainy day.

SS:1/125, f/5.6, ISO : 100, FL : 21.5 MM