Friday 4 July 2014

Soliloquy of a slut

They Come.
Of all kind,
Dark, fair, young and old
Bald, wrinkled, limp and lame
Some with nickels in pockets
To pay for what they get free at home
And some, at times with knives and rods to
Steal off a sinner's sweat and blood
While she lay mostly in morbid belch.

I used to dance when some demand and
Some made me sing too,
Even lullabies, often.

Honey, love, baby 
Slut , whore , bitch
Oh, thats them, names they call

They pet, fondle, caress and kiss
Kick, drag, bang,slit, slash and throw.
I die, countless deaths each day 
Yet come breathing again,
Ready for the next clutch of bills,
Thrust down the slit in the blouse.

Of all,
I still long for the Blind one.
The way he touched and felt,
Running his hand all over,
Searching, feeling, exploring
Kindling in me, the cinders of desire
Even I have long forgotten

His hands, played music on my beaten up body
Touching up chords of forgotten melodies.
And I gave in to him completely.
Like the healers of ancient times,
He touched my soul to come alive and sing again.

When it is all over, but 
I still wanted to go on,
Feeling my crooked and battered nose, he said
" Oh God, you are so beautiful"
I smiled and then cried.


  1. Its really well written, uncle, if i may say so. :)

  2. Feelings unheard, moments assailed by incoherent cries to convey thoughts.
    An aside is usually depicts a definite characteristic to let the audience know what a character is about or what he or she is thinking.
    Beautifully written.

    "How all things hang together when one has the perspective from which to see them." John Banville
