Monday 31 March 2014

An Unassuming Shepherd And A Self Proclaimed King Of Good Times...

Story of Mass moving over from Spiritual to Spirit..:)
Shot from Baaga beach, Goa.
SS: 1/2000, f/5.6, ISO :200, FL: 300 MM, NIKOR 70-300

Friday 28 March 2014

Well, What I Was Trying To Say Is....

This one looked to me a politician addressing a gathering with a boom mike thrust at him..:)

This is an Indian Pond Heron, or Paddy Bird

SS: 1/160 ,f/5.6 ,ISO :100 , FL: 300 MM , NIKOR 70-300

Thursday 27 March 2014

A Father And Son All By Themselves At Misty Meadows

SS: 1/125, f/5.6, ISO: 200, FL : 58 MM NIKOR 18-105 MM

Saw this father and son, gleefully going into the misty world ahead. Boy was chirping incessantly and the man , poise personified was answering very intently. From a distance, they reminded me of a Phil Collins song.."Father to Son" .

You may find the link of the song here

On A Holiday Like That...

Like someone once said, good to know that apple hasnt fallen far from the tree..:) Aadi under an Elm Tree..

Wednesday 26 March 2014


Wherever we leave to
No matter whatever we run away from
Just be certain
These shadows we ruthlessly shed behind
Will pull us back one day right here itself..
This  baggage
Yes, those you once said; of old rags
Can sink a ship; yet here we are
Tagging and draggin them along
Only to have sleepless travails  
Into an uncertain dawn..

Let’s stay deaf to those wails
Still echoing this far
Creeping in to find us
Like that old hound we once had..
Now we are too far, Yet
Stay blind to the jaywalking faces
Dead, they are you gather 
Like insects on the windscreen
On the day of a pretty long drive..

Please find the video of a song made out of this,  composed and sung by the supremely talented musician Vinod Varma..:)

An Eventful Day, Sometime back..

Had marathon client meetings,
Productive, some not so great and
Towards the end of the day a reluctant
Revisit to a very difficult customer.
Crawling traffic, snarling cops, blaring horns and
People playing charades of abuse of all kind.
Energy at its lowest ebb and to top it all,
Had to wait for him to come back from prayers.
Just couldn’t believe when he came in.
The man who was all sound and fury; of
Immaculate manners and a master negotiator
Now, looked all disheveled and unkempt.
"Beta kya karu?! Taqdeer ko badal nahi sakthe" * and
Immediately switched to business.
Later, while seeing me off, said with a pat on the back
“Stop to smell the roses, are in our prayers’.
Don’t know, was it coincidence or some
Strange reassurance from Providence,
The first song from the CD was Madari..**
I pulled up to the kerb and listened to the
Power packed rendition by Vishal Dadlani***.
He sang about, how we are puppets in HIS hands and
Being happy with the way
HE wants us to be.
Instead of seeking him at places of worships,
Have it in heart, that HE can seek us wherever we may be.
A strange sense of calm and peace engulfed me.
Instead of turning right to the lounge,
I took the Left and came home..
To the laughter and clatter of Aadi and Aami..
To the soothing presence of my Queen Pin..

*what can we do Son? Cant change Fate. 
** Madari means Puppet is one gem of a compo played in MTV Coke Studio. 
*** Is a very popular musician from India.

Please find the link to the song here

Thursday 20 March 2014

Brahminy Kite

Brahminy Kite, ( Haliastur Indus ) , called "Krishna Parunthu" in Malayalam. It is believed to be Garuda, the sacred bird of Lord Vishnu.
Called Elang Bondol , it is the mascot of Jakarta. 

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Tottering Into Oblivion..

Something, that may soon be out of our paths. Saw on the way back from Belur.

SS: 1/250,f/5.6, ISO : 160, FL : 18 MM

Closing The Eyes Is What I Need To Do Now..

It is so different now.
Not at all what it used to be.
By just opening the eyes,
Could wriggle off the demons
From eating me alive.
Yes, that  was all it required , then
To feel safe again, by just waking up.

These dance of the demons
That is seen in broad day light
With the eyes wide open,
May need to shut the eyes and  
Twine them tight to keep
The raging forms at bay.

For, seeing is believing and 
Not seeing is another
Shabby ploy at a denial of sorts.
Something as good or rather that
Bad as a dog running with the 
Tail tucked in between the legs.

Baritone, once so rich and 
Full of fortitude, that used to 
Calm down stricken hearts,
Mimics, the bleats of incoherent tones,
High in octaves, like the strung up 
Chords of a dying lute.

A spectacle, past the prime
A lame rerun, of an eroded pomp
And, closing the eyes, is 
What I need to do now.

Sunday 16 March 2014

Wisdom Tree..

The Tree doesnt know why it is there..It just gives..Shelters whoever flies by or sits under. When you give, be like a Tree..

SS: 1/30 , f/3.5, ISO 1600 , FL ; 18 MM Nikor 18-105

Friday 14 March 2014

A Robin Chirp By A Hi To You..

A mobile click of a Robin alias Magpie. Apologies for the poor quality, yet posting for the pattern the electric lines made in the frame..:)

Oh, Those Sweet Little Monsters..

I like watching those tiny tots at the beach.
It’s kind of listening to the ballads.
Like the slow build up when someone strums up, 
They come, holding on to the lil finger of
Parents or rather these days
Mostly, grandparents.

Casting eyes here and there
Kicking sand everywhere..
Now you see them tugging
On the hands and command " come come".

It’s a joy to watch them trot
Around wriggly giggly beaming at
Everyone and amused at
Themselves, mainly.

And then, cued on a crescendo,
They would just take off,
Leaving the hapless parents on a
Chasing spree spreading
Cheers and sunshine around.
Like spirits sans shackles,
Lifting above far and beyond.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Wednesday 12 March 2014

What She Must Have Kept In Those Eyes Of Hers?!

Difficult it was
To look into her eyes
Without getting mine moist.
Certainly messy, a refuge in dark glares
While bidding adieu.
And eyes wont lie , you know?!

Eyes, they conceal an ocean
Yet, just wont stay quiet when we badly want them 
It will give us up,
Like a jealous acquaintance. 

Believe me,
Would have stayed off
A scenario so clumsy, 
Yet, the faint flicker of hope
That she may still stay
Nudged me on;
Only to sit in silence
For an hour and half
Staring at the lonely Budha 
In the middle of the crimsoned lake

I didnt move
When, with a gentle clasp and
What sounded like " Be Good"
She faded off into the setting sun.
Didnt look at her at all

Now, after all these years
Badly wanted to know
What she must have kept in those eyes of hers?

Sunday 9 March 2014

Where were you?

Its kind of odd
All the same a tad bit sad too
Crossing the paths again
After an unceremonious and 
Perhaps acrimonious end to all of it.
Eyes, once sparkles at seeing me was
As dead as that of a cod fish
Crimson cheeks, Ah
That reminded of the setting sun
The day we parted ways;
Now a pale reminder of a Vampire's leftover and 
Painful it was, seeing her like that.
Her quivering lips, tried in vain
To strike a smile
May be not to weep.
Yet, before the sighs and puffs
Fan up the dormant cinders in me,
I walked out
Into the still raining night
Whistling through the rain on my face
" Where were you,
When I weathered all these
Rains alone?!"

Black Crowned Night Heron..

Night Heron or Nycticorax translates to ( Night Raven)

SS: 1/100, f/4.8, ISO : 400, fl : 180 MM , NIKOR 70-300

Saturday 8 March 2014

White Throated Kingfisher

White-throated Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis) or Smyrna Kingfisher 

SS 1/100 , F/5.6, ISO 250 , WB: AUTO, FL : 300 MM , NIKOR 70- 300 MM

Thursday 6 March 2014

Yep, They Are In Love..

When two hearts erupt
In the moment of new found love
They bring out a joy like never before.
The elation of the moment is
Something to be felt.

Without the baggage of inhibitions
They set themselves free like 
Birds in the sky chasing 
Each other in a merry dogfight

Like those swell of waves seeking 
Shore again and again
They keep coming back to 
Each other in unbridled joy.

Arun M Sivakrishna


Guess, this tiny is of Warbler family. Very deft and agile, its not easy to get a freeze on them. 

SS 1/160 , f/5, ISO 250, FL: 215 mm. Nikon D 7000, Nikor 70-300

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Lonely Reed Swaying..

So, its true 
That you are down in the 
Dumps and people look at you
Like something the cat dragged in 
On a rainy day.
Two simple words
Would sum it all up
It Sucks !!!

Deep inside, it would be a 
Raging struggle, of
Rights and wrongs
For or against.

At the  end of all such
Struggles and hard fought strife,
If you still find yourself lonely
Like a thin reed swaying about,
Would you still hope for
Someone to lift you up?

Arun M Sivakrishna

Sunday 2 March 2014

Dancers on encore..:)

World Bequeathed Unto You..

When the heart weeps and soul cringes
When there is no known shelter for relief
When a frail hand seeks ours in a trembling clasp
When a tiresome breath struggles to fill in
When the trailing beats fails to keep the rhythm
When an embrace bequeaths a whole new world unto you
Thats when we realize what it is to be a son.

Arun M Sivakrishna