Wednesday 26 March 2014


Wherever we leave to
No matter whatever we run away from
Just be certain
These shadows we ruthlessly shed behind
Will pull us back one day right here itself..
This  baggage
Yes, those you once said; of old rags
Can sink a ship; yet here we are
Tagging and draggin them along
Only to have sleepless travails  
Into an uncertain dawn..

Let’s stay deaf to those wails
Still echoing this far
Creeping in to find us
Like that old hound we once had..
Now we are too far, Yet
Stay blind to the jaywalking faces
Dead, they are you gather 
Like insects on the windscreen
On the day of a pretty long drive..

Please find the video of a song made out of this,  composed and sung by the supremely talented musician Vinod Varma..:)

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