Wednesday 26 March 2014

An Eventful Day, Sometime back..

Had marathon client meetings,
Productive, some not so great and
Towards the end of the day a reluctant
Revisit to a very difficult customer.
Crawling traffic, snarling cops, blaring horns and
People playing charades of abuse of all kind.
Energy at its lowest ebb and to top it all,
Had to wait for him to come back from prayers.
Just couldn’t believe when he came in.
The man who was all sound and fury; of
Immaculate manners and a master negotiator
Now, looked all disheveled and unkempt.
"Beta kya karu?! Taqdeer ko badal nahi sakthe" * and
Immediately switched to business.
Later, while seeing me off, said with a pat on the back
“Stop to smell the roses, are in our prayers’.
Don’t know, was it coincidence or some
Strange reassurance from Providence,
The first song from the CD was Madari..**
I pulled up to the kerb and listened to the
Power packed rendition by Vishal Dadlani***.
He sang about, how we are puppets in HIS hands and
Being happy with the way
HE wants us to be.
Instead of seeking him at places of worships,
Have it in heart, that HE can seek us wherever we may be.
A strange sense of calm and peace engulfed me.
Instead of turning right to the lounge,
I took the Left and came home..
To the laughter and clatter of Aadi and Aami..
To the soothing presence of my Queen Pin..

*what can we do Son? Cant change Fate. 
** Madari means Puppet is one gem of a compo played in MTV Coke Studio. 
*** Is a very popular musician from India.

Please find the link to the song here

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