Tuesday 18 March 2014

Closing The Eyes Is What I Need To Do Now..

It is so different now.
Not at all what it used to be.
By just opening the eyes,
Could wriggle off the demons
From eating me alive.
Yes, that  was all it required , then
To feel safe again, by just waking up.

These dance of the demons
That is seen in broad day light
With the eyes wide open,
May need to shut the eyes and  
Twine them tight to keep
The raging forms at bay.

For, seeing is believing and 
Not seeing is another
Shabby ploy at a denial of sorts.
Something as good or rather that
Bad as a dog running with the 
Tail tucked in between the legs.

Baritone, once so rich and 
Full of fortitude, that used to 
Calm down stricken hearts,
Mimics, the bleats of incoherent tones,
High in octaves, like the strung up 
Chords of a dying lute.

A spectacle, past the prime
A lame rerun, of an eroded pomp
And, closing the eyes, is 
What I need to do now.


  1. Closing our eyes and shutting our mouth are sometimes the best escapes Unni...from wht is not pleasant...or from wht is so frightening us..and when there is no otherway of defending is...when all the eyes staring us and all the ears listening us became so biased with some shadows of untruth...well written...meaningful lines !

  2. There are moments in life when you feel closing your eyes forever is the easiest option......it is indeed a heart wrenching one with all its depth and meaning.

  3. Thank you Muthech and Aunty for the deep reading of it. The demons which torment us in day light is something thats worser and graver than the worst of night mares we ever had.
